With Structure
to Success
suitable for your company

Industry Focus

Food / Nutrition Sector


Sustainability & Resource Productivity

Innovative Projects
The fact is: what used to be "nice to have" is now required.
This does not mean that there are no subsidies in the area of sustainability and resource productivity, or that investors have lost interest - on the contrary: we believe that the expansion towards a sustainable economy has just begun. The lights are green in the economy, in politics and above all in society. The focus is on the not unimportant question of the extent to which the impact of a company's business activities has an influence on the environment, society or politics. Using sustainability, with all its facets (in the possibilities of savings effects and environmental protection) in marketing is an exciting and extensive topic (also for small and medium-sized enterprises) that we can cover in detail. Investments must of course be evaluated - innovations put to the test. Our competence network of business economists, engineers, legal advisors, marketing and financial experts can evaluate these topics and make recommendations - or get them off the ground.
The same applies to the field of medicine, which is facing extreme changes. Here, our medical and scientific staff are at your side with advice and support. In the food sector, too, major changes are to be expected in the next few years - and with them strong effects on existing businesses and innovations. After all, the focus industries we work with are all systemically relevant and will continue to gain in importance in the future.
Innovations are the only way for our society to continue at an appropriate level of living in the future. CONNex Consulting & Management GmbH is open to any kind of innovative projects, products and services, and helps even before the company is founded, with a wide-ranging service programme and analyses, to bring the important innovations of tomorrow to the start and to success.
We don't do everything, but what we do, we do right!