With Structure
to Success
suitable for your company

About Us
Success is the result of the acceptance of regulations.
As part of our consultancy work, we had to realise that good ideas were often not implemented because there was simply a lack of capital. The possibilities of capitalization are also given for small companies. Many problems can be solved quickly simply by selecting and applying for appropriate funding projects. However, it is based on various regulations that must be observed. A corresponding rating is an important indicator for the auditor or future investors as to whether the company's management is well positioned. Many small and medium-sized companies or company founders are often overwhelmed here.
CONNex Consulting & Management GmbH has specialized in services that do not necessarily belong to the core business of a company founder or a small and medium-sized company. Providing these competencies as a service for the planned project is our task and passion. Small and medium-sized companies in particular have impressive potential. We see it as our task to raise this and convert it into business success. We align existing business models with the future and add new ones so that they work. CONNex Consulting & Management GmbH draws on a competence network from different areas. Business administration, legal advice and tax experts are just as much a part of this as engineers, sales and marketing experts.
Holistic performance approach
Capital resources are an important issue, especially when companies grow or have to reposition themselves. We help our customers with the joint development of new products, support with the patent application or with the acquisition of licenses, as well as with the award of contracts to development companies or the support with the development of new products. At the same time, you can start planning marketing directly. In larger growth phases it is of course important to constantly consider all possibilities in order to ensure the capitalization of the company. We increase the chance of success by giving you the opportunity to concentrate on the performance of your company.